People's Daily客户端隐私政策

People's Daily Privacy Policy

《People's Daily隐私政策》(本政策)解释了我们如何通过您使用我们的客户端收集、使用、共享、披露和处理您的个人信息。术语“个人信息”和“个人数据”在本政策下具有相同的含义,定义为可以独立使用或与其他数据结合使用以方便识别、联系或定位您的任何数据,包括您的电子邮件地址。我们建议您在使用我们的服务前仔细阅读并确认您已充分理解本政策(特别是采用加粗、斜体、下划线等方式提示您注意的内容),并作出您认为适当的选择。需要特别说明的是,本政策不适用于其他第三方向您提供的服务,为确保流畅的产品体验,您可能会收到来自第三方提供的内容或网络链接。请您谨慎选择是否访问第三方提供的链接、内容、产品和服务。在向第三方提交个人信息之前,请认真阅读这些第三方的隐私政策。




2、我们如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术









人民日报的总部位于中国北京,拥有人民日报英文客户端和网站。我们将为您提供全英文新闻和信息,向您介绍中国故事,让世界听到中国的声音,搭建中国与世界之间的新闻和信息平台。我们将根据本政策收集、使用、共享、披露和处理您的个人信息。请联系我们[email protected].













基于麦克风的语音技术相关附加服务: 您可在开启麦克风权限后实现语音搜索喜欢的新闻等;请您知晓,即使您已同意开启麦克风权限,我们也仅会在您主动点击客户端内麦克风图标或录制视频时通过麦克风获取语音信息。






· 为您提供搜索的功能或服务



· 为您提供下载功能或者服务


· 为您提供营销活动



















1、 推荐定制新闻


2、 提供个性化服务



1、 信息存储位置


2、 信息存储期限








3、与授权合作伙伴共享:仅为实现本政策中声明的目的,我们的某些服务将由授权合作伙伴提供。我们可能会与合作伙伴共享您的某些个人信息,以提供更好的客户服务和用户体验。例如,在您在我们营销活动得奖后,我们必须与物流服务提供商共享您的个人信息才能安排送货,或者安排合作伙伴提供服务。我们仅会出于合法、正当、必要、特定、明确的目的共享您的个人信息,并且只会共享提供服务所必要的个人信息。我们的合作伙伴无权将共享的个人信息用于任何其他用途。我们的合作伙伴主要是第三方SDK类服务商,我们的产品中可能会包含第三方SDK或其他类似的应用程序,如您在我们平台上使用这类由第三方提供的服务时,您同意将由其直接收集和处理您的如下信息:获取当前连接Wi-Fi信息,获取Wi-Fi Dhcp信息,获取手机状态和服务相关信息,获取IMSI,获取设备传感器信息,获取当前运行进程,获取当前运行进程,获取设备屏幕宽度,获取设备屏幕高度,获取设备屏幕像素,获取GPS状态,获取WI-FI列表,获取手机类型,获取SSID,获取安装列表。当启用消息推送SDK,为了向您发送消息通知服务,当您关闭app进程时会有app自启动发送消息启用app通知的必要行为,在我们向您明示获取app通知权限且您自主点击同意后才会依法产生该行为。

目前我们产品中包含的第三方SDK类服务商请具体查阅《People's Daily第三方SDK收集信息规则》










































您可以向监管机构投诉。这些权利并不是绝对的,也不总是适用于所有情况。 根据请求,如果需要,我们将要求您验证您的身份,并提供有助于我们更好地理解您请求的信息。如果我们不遵守您的要求,无论是全部还是部分,我们都会解释原因。

(一) 访问您的个人信息

您有权访问您的个人信息,法律法规规定的例外情况除外。如果您想行使数据访问权,可以通过以下方式自行访问: 账户信息——如果您希望访问或编辑您的账户中的个人资料信息,您可以通过访问设置-编辑资料和设置-账号安全执行此类操作。 搜索信息——您可以在新闻模块、 视频模块中的搜索按钮访问或清除您的搜索记录。 个性信息——您可以通过访问我的模块,在收藏按钮中查看个人收藏的文章。

(二) 更正您的个人信息

当您发现我们处理的关于您的个人信息有错误时,您有权要求我们做出更正。您可以通过“(一)访问您的个人信息”中罗列的方式提出更正申请。 如果您无法通过上述描述更正这些个人信息,您可以随时使用“意见反馈”功能与我们联系。我们将在15个工作日内回复您的更正请求。


(三) 删除您的个人信息




注销账号、删除个人信息的途径:点击客户端底部菜单“Me-Settings-Log Out”

(四) 改变您授权同意的范围



(五) 响应您的上述请求





  1. 1、与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
  2. 2、与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
  3. 3、与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;
  4. 4、有充分证据表明您存在主观恶意或滥用权利的;
  5. 5、响应您的请求将导致您或其他个人、组织的合法权益受到严重损害的;
  6. 6、涉及商业秘密的;
  7. 7、与我们履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;
  8. 8、出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到您本人同意的。

要行使这些权利,请联系我们[email protected]详细说明您的请求。如果您对这些权利有任何疑问,也可以通过上述电子邮件与我们联系。


我们已经采取了符合行业标准的适当安全措施,以保护您个人信息的隐私和安全,防止未经许可访问、披露、使用、编辑、损坏或丢失个人信息。例如,我们使用安全套接字层(SSL)来保护浏览器和服务器之间的信息传输;当您浏览People's Daily官网时,我们使用加密技术来提高个人信息的安全性;我们使用可靠的保护系统来防止攻击;我们部署了访问控制系统,以确保只有授权人员才能访问个人信息;我们将对员工进行隐私保护以及如何正确处理和管理您的数据。



为了保证客户端的正常运转,我们会在您的移动设备上存储名为Cookie的小数据文件。Cookie 通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符。借助于 Cookie,客户端能够存储您的偏好、账号设置信息。我们使用Cookie或同类技术用于以下功能或者服务:



2. 保障产品与服务的安全、高效运转


3. 推荐您可能感兴趣的新闻、视频

我们可能会利用Cookie 和同类技术了解你的偏好和使用习惯,进行咨询或数据分析,以改善产品服务及用户体验。















电子邮箱:[email protected]






The People's Daily Privacy Policy (this Policy) explains how we collect, use, share, disclose and process your personal information through your use of our client and website (collectively as "Service"). The terms "Personal Information" and "Personal Data" share the same meanings under this Policy, defined as any data that can be used independently or in combination with other data to readily identify, contact, or locate you, including your email address. We strongly advise you to carefully review and comprehend this Policy (particularly the sections emphasized by being highlighted in bold, italic or underlined) before utilizing our services, and to make an informed decision based on your understanding. It is worthy of note that this Policy does not extend to other third-party services that are provided to you. To ensure a seamless and uninterrupted product experience, you may receive content or network links that are provided by third parties. We urge you to exercise caution and discretion when determining whether to access third-party links, content, products, and services. Prior to disclosing any personal information to third parties, we strongly advise you to meticulously peruse their privacy policies.

We endeavor to optimize our Service as well as protect your privacy. If you are a child under 16, you shall acquire your parents or legal guardian's permission before using our Services or providing information to us.

This policy aims to provide you with an understanding of the following:

1. How we collect and use your personal information

2. How we use cookies and similar technologies

3. How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

4. How we safeguard your personal information

5. Your rights

6. How we handle children's personal information

7. How your personal information is transferred globally

8. How this Policy is updated

9. How to contact us.


We, People's Daily, headquartered in Beijing, PRC, owns People's Daily client and website. We will provide you with all-English news and information and introduce Chinese stories to you, to make China's voice heard by the world and build a news and information platform between China and the world. We will collect, use, share, disclose and process your personal information in line with this Policy. Please contact us as at [email protected].


1. Registration, Login, and Related Services

When you register or log in to our client, if you choose to use a third-party account, you will authorize us to obtain your public information (nickname) that you have registered with the third-party platform. After your authorization, we will bind your third-party account with your client account so that you can directly log in and use our products and related services through your third-party account.

2. Providing Goods or Services to You

a. Information Provided by You  

When you use our client, we will collect the information you upload, publish or generate through your browsing and bookmarking behavior, and have the right to display your nickname and avatar. In order to improve your service experience, you can authorize us to access your microphone to collect and use the information involved in these functions. When you need to turn off this function, most mobile devices support your needs. Taking Huawei mobile phones as an example, you can open the device, click "System Settings", open the menu "Apps", enter "Permission Management", select the application that needs to be revoked, and then select the "Permission" submenu to revoke/close all authorized functions listed. For example, after revoking the authorization for the microphone, the client will not be able to access your microphone. It should be noted that due to the variety of mobile device manufacturers and models, the menu paths and names of each mobile device are different. Please refer to or contact your mobile device service provider or manufacturer for specific methods.

Regarding the Personal Information Used in Our Products, Please Refer to the 《APP Personal Information Collection List》 for Specific Details.

b. During the use of our services, we may collect information about you :

in order to recommend more suitable or personalized content to you, we will collect and associate information about your use of the service and usage patterns, including:


Device Information: When you use our client and related services, in order to ensure the normal operation of the software and services, we will collect information such as your hardware model, hardware serial number, operating system version number, MAC address, software list, unique device identification code (such as GAID, OAID, IMEI, AndroidID, IDFA, OPENUDID, GUID, SIM card IMSI information), software version number, network access method and type, login IP address, and operation log information describing the basic information of your commonly used device, in order to identify you as a user of the service. (If you do not authorize, we will not collect it).

Log Information: When you use our client and related services, we will automatically collect detailed usage information about our products, such as bookmarking, sharing, search content, login methods, telecom operators, network environment, page visit duration, browsing history, and Push opening records.

Additional Services Based on Microphone Voice Technology: You can use voice search for news and other content after granting microphone permissions. Please be aware that even if you have agreed to enable microphone permissions, we will only use the microphone to collect voice information when you actively click on the microphone icon in the client or when recording a video.

SD Card Storage Information: We read the content on the SD card (read storage space/photo permissions). Permission Function Description: Write/Delete content in the SD card (write/delete/storage space/photo permissions). Permission Function Description: Provide external storage write function. Usage Scenarios and Purposes: Allow the app to write/download/save/cache.

Photo album: During your use of this app's services (such as the feedback function), we may request your permission to access your photo album. Access is granted solely upon your consent to conveniently upload and submit images through our interface. Please note that any content you share, such as text or photos, will remain private and not be publicly accessible within the app.

c. Indirect Collection of Your Personal Information:

We may obtain authorized shared information from third-party partners. For example, when you log in through a third-party platform, we will obtain the shared account information that you have authorized: nickname, region, and gender.

d. Based on the information you provide to us, we may use recommendation algorithms, user profiling, and behavior analysis methods and technologies to recommend pages or personalized content that better suits your needs.

· Provide search functions or services

When you use the search function, we record your keyword information and search logs, and display popular and historical search content through technology.


· Provide download functions or services

Based on your personal preferences, you can download images or videos that interest you.

· Provide marketing activities

You can choose to participate in different marketing activities launched on our client. When participating in activities, sensitive information such as your name, mobile number, address, postal code, and bank card number may be required. If you refuse to provide this information, it may affect the distribution or transfer of prizes for the activity.

The information you provide above will continue to be authorized for our use during your use of this service. When you cancel your account, we will stop using and delete the above information.


1. Your consent

Your consent will be necessary in some circumstances under which you will have the right to withdraw that consent at any time, however, if the consent is withdrawn, we may not be able to continue to provide the service you requested.

2. Fulfilling a contract

We also process your personal information in order to fulfil a contract we have with you. For example, we would use your information to provide you with access to our Service.

3. Legitimate interests

We may use your information where there are legitimate interests to do so. Our legitimate interests in processing personal information include:

to set up and administer your account, verify your identity, and send important account, subscription and service information for internal research and development purposes and to improve, test and enhance the features and functions of our Services

to meet our internal and external audit requirements, including our information security obligations

to protect our rights, privacy, safety, networks, systems and property, or those of other persons

for the prevention, detection or investigation of a crime or other breach of law or requirement, loss prevention or fraud

4. Compliance with legal obligations

There may be situations where we need to use your information to comply with legal and regulatory obligations or defend claims.

You are welcome to contact us for further information on the legal grounds that we rely on in relation to any specific processing of your personal information.


1. To recommend customized news

We will use information about your behavior to make feature tags. Based on such feature tags, we will conduct the portrait for a crowd of users to recommend customized news.

2. To provide personalized service

We will use your device information to provide you with better products or services and personalized information display service. Besides, we also use the personal information gathered by cookies and similar technologies to provide you with personalized service.


1. Location of information storage

We will store your personal information collected and generated in the course of operation within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

2. Period of information storage

We will store your information for a period necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy, or when we have a legitimate reason for doing so. If you ask us to delete your information before the end of the period, we may not be able to do so due to technical, legal, regulatory or contractual constraints.

If you wish to close your account, we will do this as soon as reasonably possible subject to any applicable terms and conditions. 


1. Sharing

We will not share your personal information with other companies, organizations or individuals other than the service provider of the client and the website of People's Daily, except under following circumstances:

a. Sharing with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties.

b. We may share your personal information with third parties in accordance with laws and regulations or mandatory requirements of government authorities.

c. Sharing with authorized partners: Only to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, some of our services will be provided by authorized partners. We may share some of your personal information with partners to provide better customer service and user experience. For example, after you win a prize in our marketing activities, we must share your personal information with logistics service providers in order to arrange delivery or arrange for partners to provide services. We will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and only share the personal information necessary to provide the service. Our partners are not authorized to use the shared personal information for any other purpose. Our partners are mainly third-party SDK service providers. Our products may contain third-party SDKs or similar applications. When you use these services provided by third parties on our platform, you agree to allow them to directly collect and process the following information: current Wi-Fi connection information, Wi-Fi DHCP information, phone state and service-related information, IMSI, device sensor information, current running process, device screen width, device screen height, device screen pixels, GPS status, Wi-Fi list, phone type, and SSID. When the Message Push SDK is enabled, in order to send you the message notification service, when you close the app process, the app will automatically start sending messages to enable the APP notification. After we expressly obtain the permission to notify you and you independently click to agree, this behavior will occur in accordance with the law.

Please refer to the《People's Daily Third-Party SDK Collection Rules》 for the third-party SDK service providers currently included in our products.

d. Sharing with third parties who entrust us with promotion, etc., in order to enable the entrusting party to understand the coverage and effectiveness of the promotion. Unless we obtain your permission, we will not share your personal identity information (i.e., information that can identify you, such as your name or email address, which can be used to contact you or identify you) with partners who entrust us with promotion. We will provide these partners with information about the coverage and effectiveness of their advertising, without providing your personal identity information. Alternatively, we will aggregate this information so that it does not identify you personally. For example, we can inform the trustee how many people have seen their promotional information, or provide them with demographic information that cannot identify individuals (such as "25-year-old males in Beijing who like software development") to help them understand their audience or customers. Only if the advertiser agrees to comply with our advertising guidelines, we may inform the advertiser of how effective their advertising is, or how many people viewed or installed their application after seeing their advertising, or provide demographic information that cannot identify individuals to these partners to help them understand their audience or customers.

e. Within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, in order to comply with laws, maintain our and our affiliates' or partners', your or other client users' or the public interest, property or safety from harm, such as to prevent fraudulent activities and reduce credit risks, we may exchange information with other companies and organizations. However, this does not include information that is sold, rented, shared or otherwise disclosed for profit purposes in violation of the commitments made in this user privacy agreement.

f. Provided for academic research purposes.

g. Provided for the social public interest in compliance with legal regulations. We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, requiring them to process personal information in accordance with our instructions, this user privacy agreement, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. Sharing your personal information will not pose a high-risk to you.

2. Transfer 

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except in the following cases:

a. Transfer with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;

b. In cases of merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy liquidation, if personal information transfer is involved, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this user privacy agreement. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek your authorization and consent again. 

Transferring your personal information will not pose a high risk to you.

3. Public Disclosure 

We will only disclose your personal information in the following cases:

a. After obtaining your explicit consent;

b. Based on legal disclosure: In the case of legal procedures, litigation, or mandatory requirements from government authorities, we may publicly disclose your personal information. 

Publicly disclosing your personal information will not pose a high risk to you.


1. We use industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide us with, to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss of data. We take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information. We use encryption technology to ensure confidentiality of data; we use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on data; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information; and we hold security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

2. We have obtained the third-level certification of the Ministry of Public Security's information security protection and established good coordination and communication mechanisms with regulatory authorities to timely defend against and dispose of various information security threats, providing comprehensive protection for your information security.

3. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that irrelevant personal information is not collected. We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless the retention period needs to be extended or is permitted by law.

4. The internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and communication methods such as email and instant messaging are not encrypted. We strongly advise against sending personal information through these methods. Please use complex passwords to help us ensure the security of your account.

5. The internet environment is not 100% secure, and we will do our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send us. If our physical, technical, or management protective measures are compromised, resulting in unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or destruction of information, and damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

6. In the event of an unfortunate personal information security incident, we will promptly inform you in accordance with legal requirements: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to take autonomous preventive and risk reduction measures, and remedial measures for you. We will inform you of the event-related situation in a timely manner through email, letters, phone calls, push notifications, etc. If it is difficult to inform individuals one by one, we will adopt reasonable and effective methods to post announcements. 

At the same time, we will actively report the disposal of personal information security incidents in accordance with regulatory requirements.


You have the rights under European and other applicable laws to have access to your personal information and to ask us to rectify, erase and restrict use of, your personal information. You also have the rights to object to your personal information being used, to ask for the transfer of personal information you have made available to us and to withdraw consent to the use of your personal information. You may find further information on how to exercise your rights set out underneath.

We honor your rights under applicable data protection laws. You have following rights under European laws, and may have similar rights under the laws of other countries.

1. Right to access

You have the right to make a written request for details of your personal information and a copy of that personal information.

2. Right to rectification

You have the right to have inaccurate information about you corrected or removed.

3. Right to erasure

You have the right to have certain personal information about you erased.

4. Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request that your personal information would only be used for restricted purposes.

5. Right to object

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal information based on the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or we have let you know the processing is necessary for our or a third party's legitimate interests.

6. Right to data portability

You have the right to ask for the personal information you have made available to us to be transferred to you or a third party in machine-readable format.

7. Right to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw any consent you previously gave us. If you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of our use of your personal information prior to the withdrawal of your consent.

8. Right to compliant

You may make a complaint to the supervisory authority. These rights are not absolute and they do not always apply in all cases.

In response to a request, we will ask you to verify your identity if we need to, and to provide information that helps us to understand your request better. If we do not comply with your request, whether in whole or in part, we will explain why.

1. Accessing Your Personal Information

You have the right to access your personal information, except in cases where exceptions are provided for by laws and regulations. If you wish to exercise your data access rights, you can access your personal information through the following means: Account Information - If you wish to access or edit your personal profile information in your account, you can do so by visiting the Settings - Edit Profile and Settings - Account Security. Search Information - You can access or clear your search history by using the search button in the news module, video module, etc. Personalization Information - You can view your personal saved articles by visiting the My module and clicking the Favorite button.

2. Correcting Your Personal Information

When you find errors in the personal information we process about you, you have the right to request correction. You can submit a correction request through the means listed in "Accessing Your Personal Information". If you are unable to correct this personal information as described above, you can contact us at any time using the "Feedback" function. We will reply to your correction request within 15 working days.


3. Your Personal Information

You can request that we delete your personal information in the following circumstances:

  1. If our processing of personal information violates laws and regulations;
  2. If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;
  3. If our processing of personal information violates the agreement with you;
  4. If you no longer use our products or services;
  5. If we no longer provide products or services to you.

If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that obtained your personal information from us to delete it in a timely manner, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or these entities have obtained your independent authorization. 

After you delete information from our services, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system, but we will delete this information when the backup is updated.

To cancel your account or delete your personal information, please click the "Me-Settings-Log Out" button in the client's bottom menu.

4. Changing the Scope of Your Authorization

Each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed. For the collection and use of additional personal information, you can give or withdraw your authorization at any time.

You can choose whether or not the client pushes messages to you. When you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. Your decision to withdraw consent will not affect the personal information processing based on your authorization before, but may result in your inability to receive major hot news and the latest subscription information that you are interested in. To withdraw consent for push notifications, please click "My" in the client's bottom menu, click "More Settings", and turn off "Receive Push Notifications".

5. Responding to Your Above Requests

For security reasons, you may need to provide a written request or other proof of your identity. We may first ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. 

We will respond within 15 working days.

For your reasonable requests, we generally do not charge fees, but for multiple repetitive or excessive requests, we will charge a certain cost fee depending on the situation. For requests that are groundlessly repetitive, require too much technical means (such as developing new systems or fundamentally changing current practices), pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very unrealistic (such as involving information stored on backup tapes), we may refuse them.

According to laws and regulations, we will be unable to respond to your requests in the following circumstances:

  1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;
  2. Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
  3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
  4. There is sufficient evidence to show that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;
  5. Your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;
  6. Related to trade secrets;
  7. Related to our fulfillment of obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;
  8. Difficult to obtain your personal consent for the purpose of maintaining your or other individuals' significant legitimate rights and interests, such as life and property.

To exercise these rights, please contact us at [email protected] and provide detailed information about your request. If you have any questions about these rights, you can also contact us via the above email.


We have adopted proper security measures in compliance with industry standards to protect the privacy and security of your personal information, to prevent personal information from being accessed without permission, disclosed, used, edited, damaged or lost. For example, we use Security Sockets Layer (SSL) to secure information transfers between your browsers and servers; we use HTTPS when you browse client of the People's Daily; we use encryption technologies to improve security of personal information; we use reliable protection systems to prevent attacks; we deploy an access control system to ensure that only authorized person can access to personal information; and we will train our employees on privacy protection as well as how to handle and manage your data appropriately.

If your personal information breaches, we will inform you according to relevant laws and regulations of the basic situation, possible influence, our remedial solutions taken or will be taken, and offer self-protection or self-prevention suggestions to you and make necessary remedial measures. We will communicate with you by email, mail, phone calls and/or alerts. If we cannot reach to all affected individual, we will publish announcements in proper and effective ways.


In order to ensure the normal operation of the client, we will store small data files called cookies on your mobile device. Cookies typically contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. With cookies, the client can store your preferences and account settings information. We use cookies or similar technologies for the following functions or services:

1. Help you operate more conveniently and quickly

Cookies can record your registration and login information, so that you do not need to log in again the next time you use the client, or record your search history, saving you some operations and processes.

2. Ensure the security and efficient operation of products and services

We may set authentication and security-related cookies or anonymous identifiers to confirm whether you are securely logged into the service, or whether you have encountered illegal activities such as theft or fraud. These technologies also help us improve service efficiency and enhance login and response speeds.

3. Recommend news and videos that you may be interested in

We may use cookies and similar technologies to understand your preferences and usage habits, conduct consultations or data analysis, and improve product services and user experience.

We will not use cookies for any purpose other than those described in this policy. You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences through your browser or user selection mechanism. At the same time, please note that if you disable cookies, we may not be able to provide you with the best service experience


Our user privacy policy may change.

Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce the rights you are entitled to under this user privacy policy. We will post any changes to this policy on this page.

For significant changes, we will also provide more prominent notifications (including sending notifications through mobile information or system push notifications for certain services, explaining the specific changes to the user privacy policy).

Significant changes referred to in this policy include, but are not limited to:

1. Significant changes in our service model. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, types of personal information processed, and methods of personal information use;

2. Significant changes in our ownership structure, organizational structure, etc. Such as changes in ownership caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers, etc.;

3. Major changes in the main objects of personal information sharing, transfer, or public disclosure;

4. Significant changes in your rights and ways to exercise them in personal information processing;

5. Changes in the department responsible for personal information security, contact methods, and complaint channels;

6. When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates high risk.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the content of this privacy policy, you can contact us through the "Feedback" page in the client: enter the "Me-Feedback" page in the client, select the type of issue you want to provide feedback on, then provide a detailed description and leave your contact information (telephone or email address). Our management team will fully ensure your privacy and security based on your feedback and suggestions.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 010-65367260

Address: New Media Building, People's Daily, No. 2 Jintai West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Postal code: 100026

If you are not satisfied with our response, you can file a lawsuit with the Chaoyang District People's Court in Beijing to resolve the dispute.

Update time: July 31st, 2023.